3D PrintingAluminium3D Printed Aluminium Gripper

Experience innovation with 3D-iT's 3D printed aluminium gripper. Achieve 94% weight reduction, 50% cost savings, and unparalleled efficiency in manufacturing.

Revolutionizing Efficiency: 3D-iT's Journey in Redesigning a 3D Printed Aluminium Gripper

Unleashing Precision and Performance

In the realm of production tools, 3D printed aluminium transforms possibilities. The project aimed at reducing manufacturing costs, leading to impressive results — a 94% weight reduction, a 50% cost reduction, and enhanced performance.

The suction gripper’s original design, manufactured conventionally, raised concerns about cost efficiency. Multiple intersecting holes and dummy plugs added complexity, limiting cost reduction.

Familiar with 3D printing’s advantages, the customer explored the potential for the gripper. Design possibilities emerged, emphasizing lower costs, reduced weight, faster movements, improved vacuum distribution, and fewer leaks.

Opting for aluminum, the customer found a balance between wear resistance and lightweight properties. The metal’s smooth surfaces facilitated easy cleaning during production. Aluminum, economically suited for small- to medium-sized components, became the material of choice.

3DS Max 3D It Aluminium gripper design

Design Optimization Process:

Collaborating with 3D-iT, the customer’s initial design underwent enhancements. Using 3Ds Max for redesign, engineers optimized geometry and internal channels. They minimized support structures and ensured homogeneous vacuum distribution, enhancing reliability in gripping.


Quality Control and Client Satisfaction:

Addressing tension lines, the engineering team improved fluidity in material thickness transitions. This not only enhanced appearance but also positively impacted the mechanical properties of the final part.

The redesigned gripper showcased substantial reductions in volume and weight. This not only minimized material costs but also facilitated efficient post-processing. The new geometry allowed an increase in the number of components per build, leading to additional time and cost advantages.

A comprehensive comparison between the original tool, the first 3D-printed model, and the final design revealed substantial progress. The cost per part dropped significantly from $720 for the traditional tool to $385. Even the customer’s first 3D-printed design, while having 79% less volume than the original part, would have been 6% more expensive to produce.

This success story demonstrates how collaborative efforts in design optimization and 3D printing can not only meet but surpass expectations. The journey from conceptualizing a more efficient suction gripper to achieving substantial cost and performance benefits showcases the transformative power of 3D-iT’s expertise in additive manufacturing. As industries evolve, these innovations pave the way for a future where efficiency and excellence coexist seamlessly.

3D Printing
Engineering Wellington

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